Monday, December 12, 2011

Can I get into NYU: Tisch?

Absolutely! You have a great chance! But to my understanding with NYU tisch is that yes, you have a very impressive SATs GPA and SATs but for tisch, grades are kind of a second factor to them. You have to either schedule an audition or send in a portfolio. They look for talent! and an Immense amount at that. So if you are applying to a school like tisch within NYU you have to remember that it is not Stern so make sure you have an incredible portfolio and ace that interview and make sure you make it clear in their heads that you want to go to this school!...and you are golden. Good Luck! and I also want to apply to NYU for a Music Major at Tisch it's an amazing school my mom went to Stern. But Best of Luck and go get em'! : )


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