Sunday, December 18, 2011

Caught shoplifting in CA, cops were called?

I worked Loss Prevention for almost ten years in a retail environment. You will need to pay the civil demand and likely you will get a simple slap on the risk. Your crime is petty. Especially if you have no record. At the most you will have to pay a fine. It's very likely that you will get a suspended sentence (Like Probabtion of something of that nature). The Civil Penality however can be steep and you will have to pay it or be hared by collection agencies. You likely will not need an attorney HOWEVER I would at least consult with one to see (It never hurts). You have a right to legal representation. I wouldn't enter a plea without at least a court appointed attorney its your constiutional right. Your flow of junk mail will stop after your case has been adjourned. Don't worry too much about this. Shoplifting is a common thing. While CA laws regarding shoplifting appear to be more stricter than most states, its still not going to be anything that you appear to be nervous about. It will likely remain on your record for 3-7 years but the judge may offer you a way to expunge it (Im not sure). Good luck.


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