Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What is the proper leash/harness to use on a Siberian Husky who does nothing but pull?

The problem is not what you are using, but the lack of training. Find an obedience cl that teaches proper walking, or use the collar of your choice(I like to use the plain chain 'Choke chain' though properly used, it does not choke the dog) and go for a walk. When she pulls, give the leash a sharp jerk, not too hard and give a command like 'heel' and get her to walk next to you. Do this every time she pulls, and make her walk next to you. Eventually, you'll only need a normal collar, and you'll only need to give her the command to have her walk like a civil being. Some dogs will need refreshing occasionally, but smarter dogs pick it up quickly, and never forget.


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